[+/-] Will Pennsylvania join Kansas as an educational embarassment?

Superintendent Richard Nilsen said the book -- Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of Biological Origins -- is under review by the school board, staff and district curriculum committee, but he said he had no idea when the issue would come up for a vote.
It took two votes after a heated discussion last month for the divided school board to approve the 2004 edition of Prentice Hall Biology, which had offended several board members because it teaches evolution without reference to creationism.
You might recall that in 1999 Kansas deleted the teaching of evolution from the state's science curriculum. It was restored in 2001.
It is disturbing that this could be a trend. Creationism is *not* a viable alternative theory to Evolution. Evolution has withstood the test of time, scientific inquiry, etc. Of course, it has been updated over time as our understanding has improved. Creationism is not a theory. Creationism is dogma in the guise of theory.
Shall we go back to the Dark Ages?
I also think there is a trend to challenge the evolutionary position and that the trend is warranted because there is insufficient evidence to make the claim that there is any real evidence for evolution.
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